
About the U4C

sarah fowler is the secretary treasure of the society for the second year and pleased to serve President Don Cox

We are a multi use trail society that is working to advocate for the building of a ORV path connecting the villages of #tahsis & #zeballos. This U4C trail is the crown jewel of the bigger north island 1000. And we are really very excited to be involved in getting our section built, the last 600 m of the connecting of Forest Service roads near the little zeballos and coral caves.

This is an important part of the story. By embracing our collective visions for shared spaces within and adjacent to our community, we transform ourselves. II know as the secretary treasurer, I could be more organized. Signs that need fresh paint, a revitalizing facelift. Bit by bit, we improve by practicing and explore the path less traveled. Investing in renewal and social capital builds capacity. As the song goes, don’t believe me just watch. Maybe you want to join in the dancing.

draft minutes from our last meeting in January

Huckleberry season

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